I've been going here for quite a bit now and while some of the repairs I've needed took a little financial toll on me, I can say that all of the repairs my vehicle has received were well worth the money spent. Island Car Care has afforded me a safe vehicle for myself and kids as well as the necessary means to get to work. Vehicle repairs cost money. If you're not prepared to spend to ensure a safe running vehicle don't go anywhere. Danny goes above and beyond to explain why certain repairs are needed and doesn't hide costs. If you have questions he answers them and never pressures you into a repair you don't want or believe you don't need. Combined with mechanics who do outstanding work, this establishment will be my go to shop for any of my vehicles under my care.
Hi Angelluis, thank you for taking time to leave this positive review, your kind words mean a lot to us. I would love to know how best to improve so we can earn a 5 star review from you in the future! Wishing you all the best and a happy thanksgiving coming up.
- Island Car Care Corp